Natural IBS Treatments

>> Saturday, December 5, 2009

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder characterized by  recurrent abdominal pain and intermittent diarrhea, which often alternates with  constipation. IBS most commonly affects people between the ages of 20 and 30 and  is twice as common in women as in men. IBS is known by a variety of other terms:  spastic colon, spastic colitis, mucous colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon  and nervous or functional bowel.

Causes and natural treatments of irritable bowel syndromeIrritable Bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal motility disorder for which  there is no organic or structural cause. Since the symptoms of IBS can mimic  other disorders such as hypothyroidism, IBS is diagnosed when all other local  and systemic conditions have been ruled out.

Characteristic symptoms of  IBS include recurrent abdominal pain, abdominal pain relieved by defecation,  disordered bowel habit, including constipation, diarrhea, or an alternation  between the two, and abdominal distension and bloating.

IBS is also  associated with non-gastrointestinal conditions such as headache, low back pain,  arthritis, non-cardiac chest pain, difficult urination and  fibromyalgia.

Learn the latest in alternative medicine diagnosis and treatment methods for  IBS using herbs, diet, and other natural remedies. Click  Here

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